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It is time to say goodbye to 2020 and welcome in 2021. Like many of you, we at GiGi Connection have decided to make our New Year's resolution and share them with you. A new year is an exciting time, a blank slate to redesign your life.

Celebrating the new year goes back to the bible. It was God who proclaimed the Feast of Trumpets at the beginning of the year. It was a time of rest and reflection leading up to the Day of Atonement. Today the tradition is a way to set goals in our life. A promise we make to ourselves to improve our lives in one way or another.

I hope you enjoy reading our resolutions; perhaps it will encourage you to do the same.

Gigi Lori's Resolution

Wow, this was hard for me! I had so many ideas, but I finally decided in 2021 to start journaling. I want my grandchildren to know who I was, my thoughts, my love for them, how my heart leapt when I held them for the first time. I want to preserve the memories of the moments that meant the most. Hopefully, one day they will read my journal and have a whole new perspective on family and love.

Gigi Lori

Gigi Susie's Resolution

There were so many resolutions that I could begin in 2021; however, for me I would like to incorporate strength training into my workouts at least three times per week. I'm very diligent about making sure I get out for hikes 5-7 times a week, but am not good about strength training. For me, being active ensures that I can get down on the ground to play with my grandchildren or climb up in their playhouse to pretend with them! After all, you never know when it's going to be Gigi's turn to be "it" in playing hide and go seek.

Gigi Susie

Lala Malana's Resolution

So many things come to mind when thinking of my goals for the next year. Taking care of myself physically, mentally and spiritually are definitely there at the top but how I accomplish those things will be the real challenge. An ongoing endeavor for sure. One of the other things I have my mind set on is finishing some of the projects that I have started around the house before I take on other projects. A real problem I seem to have. I am easily distracted, haha. So much to do, so little time! Actually, that isn't true, I am just unorganized so, yes, I need to work on that too. Happy New Year!!

Lala Malana

Mimi Jackie's Resolution

This year may have asked more of me than I ever anticipated, yet through it all there have been moments of reflection, growth, love, forgiveness and healing that has taken place. And for that I’m thankful. While fighting the Covid virus for more than half the month of December, it was as if my heart was being transformed as I became so much more aware of how fragile life can be and how some of the most simple acts of kindness touched my heart and literally moved me to tears. It was during my recovery that I made the decision that beginning in the New Year I wanted (just like Gigi Lori will be doing) to begin journaling my thoughts, wishes, experiences, dreams, prayers and the precious memories we create together for not only my children but our grandchildren as well. This is something my sister has been doing for the past 20 years, she has more than 18 completed journals and I have always been in awe of her desire to leave her journals as gifts to her family one day. Well for me, that time has come and in 2021, I plan to make this a regular part of my day, as the timing just feels more right than ever. I plan to journal using pretty spiral bound hard cover notebooks as I find them. To begin with I’ve purchased this journal to get me started. Lastly, I'd like to begin a meditation routine! The benefits of clearing the mind and helping me to focus on the present moment can only be a good thing as I focus on making this part of my self-care practice.

Happy New Year,

Mimi Jackie

Nana Alison's Resolution

Where to start? I have so many. I think the most important will be to concentrate on eating healthy. I'm purposefully not saying that I'm going to "diet." I want to be positive and concentrate on health, not calories or restrictions which I have always done in the past. I need to eat healthy so I can set a good example and enjoy my grandkids for many years to come!

Nana Alison

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