Meet the Gigi's

A Group Of Five Friends
That Have Shared Decades Of Friendship,
Raising Their Kids And Now Loving Their Grandchildren

Hi, I'm Gigi Lori!
Hello, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Lori!
I grew up in central Pennsylvania, one of five children, on an island surrounded by the Susquehanna River. I enjoyed a Tom Sawyer sort of childhood running free, barefoot in the woods. I'm pretty sure I never wore shoes unless we were leaving the house. I spent many days swimming in the river or riding horses with my cousin.
Currently, I live in Arizona with my husband of 35 years. We have raised three daughters and are blessed with five grandchildren.
Contributing to this blog is a stretch for me. I now wish I had paid more attention in English class. I hope to connect with you on some level. We are in this together, this new phase in life we call grand parenting.
So, if I'm not hanging out in front of my computer, you can usually find me enjoying the outdoors or taking a pilates class.

Hi, I'm Gigi Susie!
I am Gigi to three granddaughters and one grandson. My family truly is my biggest joy and my greatest blessing in life and when my grandchildren say Gigi - it is the sweetest word to my ears!
My mom was a huge influence in my life and showed me what it meant to be a GREAT grandma. I wanted to have the same relationship with my grandchildren that my mom had with all of her grandchildren!! So, in 2016 before I laid eyes on my first granddaughter and future grandchildren, I had already fallen deeply in love with each of them and their unique souls.
On top of being a Gigi, I am a Certified Professional Photographer and former NFL professional cheerleader for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. I love date nights with my hubby, spreading positive vibes, knitting, enjoying the great outdoors (except camping – I’m more of a “glamping kinda Gigi”), swimming and having authentic relationships (you know the ones where you can do life with).
My mission is to influence my grandchildren through my faith, my love for them and others, my patience and most of all give to them my time connecting stories and traditions from the past and creating new memories with them. My hope is that I leave a lasting imprint on their hearts as they have left on mine!

Hi, I'm Mimi Jackie!
Hi, I'm Mimi Jackie to our 5 adorable grandchildren who brighten my world immensely and who are my favorite playmates! Their individual personalities and imaginations are what keep me reminiscing about childhood and sharing in their sense of wonder.
When I can’t play with them, I enjoy dating my husband, traveling and long walks together. I also love home décor, gardening, cooking, spending time with family and meeting friends for dinner. I cherish my quiet time each morning with my Savior Jesus, over a morning cup of coffee.
In addition to my passion for being a wife, mother and Mimi, I have a deep appreciation for the value of meaningful rituals and family traditions that create lasting bonds.
Together, let's cherish this Grand season of life!

Hi, I'm Nana Alison!
I'm thrilled to finally be a new grandma! I am a proud mother and step-mom. Each of these roles is filled with its own unique challenges, but fulfilling them has brought me such immense joy.
I am very close with my extended family and my husband's family and I believe that family and relationships are so valuable in life. No family is perfect, but familial relationships are so special that they are worth the effort it takes to keep them intact.
Shortly after my granddaughter's birth, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. This made me so appreciative of life, friendships and family. I'm a breast cancer thriver and my faith grew so much through this adversity. Starting or ending the day with gratitude, prayer and Jesus is what it's all about!
In addition to spending time with family, I enjoy my work as a real estate agent helping people find homes to spend time with their families! I love to indulge in true-crime TV and books! My guilty pleasure is The Bachelor, Dancing with The Stars and American Idol! There's nothing better than a good glass of red wine and a cup of black coffee (not necessarily in that order) and even better if they can be enjoyed at sunset by the ocean!

Hi, I'm Lala Malana!
I am the eldest, yet far from the wisest, of this beautiful group of women. Each of us have our unique life experiences and share hearts that are full with the love and joy of being a grandparent.
The two little loves of my life that gave me the title of Lala are 10 and 6 and have brought a light to my life that is indescribable. It was hard to find a picture without one of them pressed up against my cheek. What a perfect problem to have! I used to spend countless hours with them before they moved to San Clemente, CA. Now, my daughter and I work very hard at keeping the line of communication flowing continuously from across the miles. I send them surprise boxes, holiday decorations and they have a pair of socks for every occasion. We visit as often as we can and we FaceTime a lot!
I met my husband 49 years ago on a blind date. We are both from Indiana but have been in Arizona for 30 years. Two of our children live in CA and one lives in Scottsdale. When not visiting them, I enjoy cooking, crafting, home decorating and working as a florist.
I have wonderful memories of both of my Grandmothers whom were so different from one another, and yet, equally cherished. Since being blessed as a grandparent myself, I have drawn upon those precious moments, hoping to impart some of those same memories and values onto my grandchildren.
I look forward to sharing some of my unique perspectives on grandparenting and learning from yours!